Blog Journal 2
I have used Microsoft Word for school ever since I was in middle school. This means that I have been using this program for 9 years now, and in my opinion that makes me fairly experienced. I am also certified in Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint, so I am fairly comfortable using Microsoft software. I am also a big fan of Google Docs for short assignments as your information stays in a cloud, this means you can access it from anywhere. I also lik e that Google Docs automatically saves your work. The ISTE or the International Society for Technology in Education is a non-profit organization that c reates standards that provide the competencies for learning, teaching, and leading in the digital age. These standards also provide a roadmap for navigating technology in the educational world. My favorite standard for educators is standard 2.1 which reads " Educators continually improve their practice by learning from and with others and exploring prov...