
Showing posts from March, 2023

Classroom Rules


Blog Journal 9

 So far, my experience in EME2040 has been awesome. I enjoy coming to class each and every week and I feel as if I can ask questions and express myself without judgement. I've learned about so many different programs I never knew existed before like Diigo and PBWorks. I don't dislike anything about my experience in EME2040. As a teacher, I will take time to use my PLN to come up with ideas to better my student's learning experience.      Open Educational Resources are learning materials published under an open license. They could be anything from textbooks to pictures and videos. The article I have linked below by ISTE talks about what OER is, the advantages to OER, and links to other websites and videos talking about how to use OER. I feel as if this resource could be great for teachers as an all in one tool to dive deeper into OER.     I acquired a lot of new skills working on assignment four. One of the bigg

Blog Post 8

 The web design assignment taught me a lot about how to efficiently create a teacher website. I learned what the websites should include as well as how to make it look pretty in the process. I used a lot of proximity throughout my website which I think makes it easier to read. I also kept very limited white space throughout my website so I didn't distract the reader. I really loved every part of this assignment as I feel it will come in handy as a teacher. So far, working with Diigo I have learned a decent bit. I learned how to annotate websites and share with the class which I find useful. I think I can use Diigo as part of my PLL in the future. I believe it can be useful in the classroom mostly between teachers as it allows for you to share resources as well as highlighting key points within those resources.  I think it is crucial for teachers to be up to date on technology. We are tasked with the job of passing on our knowledge for genera