Blog Journal 5
My early experience using Twitter is not very broad. I have always been a tech geek for as long as I can remember, but Twitter is something I was never truly able to figure out. Recently, my friends and roommates have been teaching me how to use Twitter. My personal Twitter follows a lot of sports accounts as well as celebrities I like to keep up with. Slowly but surely I am getting the hang of it. I believe Twitter could be beneficial when I begin teaching as I will be able to search for educational tools.
I think the digital divide is a much larger problem than it is made out to be. A student who has regular access to technology is much more likely to be successful than a student who lives in a home where they don't have access to technology at their fingertips. As a teacher, I will do my very best to help each and every student have access to some sort of technology to do their schoolwork. My approach would be to give students time in class to do work and also create assignments on paper for students who may not have a computer at home.
Two software tools I would like to incorporate into my classroom are Kahoot and PowerPoint. Kahoot is a platform that allows for user-generated multiple-choice quizzes that students can access from the website or in the Kahoot app. These quizzes allow for great quiz and test reviews. PowerPoint is a great tool for lectures. You can display a lot of information and it is very user-friendly. Not only will I make PowerPoints for my lessons, but I will create assignments where my students will make PowerPoints. This allows them to grasp the topic at hand and become more tech-friendly at the same time.
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