Copyright and fair use are two very important concepts in our digital world. People often times don't realize they can't just take images or ideas off of the internet without crediting the author or publisher of the source. To me, copyright is the legal right one has to their work. Fair use is when you are allowed to use someone's work without having to give them credit. As a teacher I will emphasize to my students how important it is to respect copyright and understand fair use and I will teach my students how to properly cite their images and work. I am a big believer that technology decreases student productivity. We are so distracted by social media and online games that decrease our attention spans in turn making us more productive. To increase productivity I would install blockers on my student's computers that wouldn't allow them to browse websites that aren't school related. I also believe that cyberbullying is more prevalent now then ever before....
My initial experience using Diigo was confusing I will not lie. I have used a lot of different software over the years for classes but Diigo was a first for me. I really like the way you are able to post things for your entire class to see. The one thing I did not like was the difficulty of setting up the account, at least for myself. So far this semester, I have loved blogging. It gives me a way to reflect on what I'm learning in the class and allows me to make sure I am retaining the information. I have also learned how to make a blog, I never had experience blogging before so it's a first for me. All in all, I think it's a great tool for this class. A controversial web 2.0 tool that I would use while teaching is TikTok. TikTok is one of the newer social media platforms that allows for people to post videos ranging from 15 seconds all the way up to 10 minutes. When I was in high school I had teachers that would assign m...
My early experience using Twitter is not very broad. I have always been a tech geek for as long as I can remember, but Twitter is something I was never truly able to figure out. Recently, my friends and roommates have been teaching me how to use Twitter. My personal Twitter follows a lot of sports accounts as well as celebrities I like to keep up with. Slowly but surely I am getting the hang of it. I believe Twitter could be beneficial when I begin teaching as I will be able to search for educational tools. I think the digital divide is a much larger problem than it is made out to be. A student who has regular access to technology is much more likely to be successful than a student who lives in a home where they don't have access to technology at their fingertips. As a teacher, I will do my very best to help each and every student have access to some sort of technology to do their schoolwork. My approach would be to give students time in class to...
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